Page 76 - City of Greensboro Data Book
P. 76

Although the City’s total annual expenditures have increased by 103% since 2000, maintenance and
        operations expenses have increased by 192% over the same period.

             Greensboro Expenditures by Category and Percent Change, Fiscal Year 2000 and 2017

          Source:  City of Greensboro, Budget

                                         Maintenance &
             Personnel Costs                                          Debt Service              Capital Outlay

           • Employee                  • On-going service         • Payment of               • Fixed assets
             salaries, related          delivery costs              prinicipal and             costing $5,000 or
             taxes and benefits         such as telephone           interest on                more with an
                                        charges, utility            borrowed funds             expected useful
                                        charges and office          such as bonds or           life of at least one
                                        supplies                    lease-purchase             year

        DRAFT                                             72                                        FEBRUARY 23, 2018
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81