Page 35 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
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The goals and strategies in the Becoming Car Optional Big Idea address issues Greenspace
discussed in public meetings or observed when collecting data about the city. The importance of keeping the green in Greensboro was
More details are available in the Data Book, the Conditions and Trends Report, and highlighted in public comments throughout the process.
in the public comment summary. Greensboro’s linear parks, set around the small streams that form
the headwaters of the Cape Fear River, are an important part of
Affordability a growing and active transportation network that provides both
Although real estate in Greensboro is considered relatively affordable to other passive and active recreation space as well as wildlife habitats.
major markets, the most affordable housing is generally in locations that have
higher transportation costs because they are farther away from jobs and services. Transit
These added costs frequently offset savings in real estate, causing many families Transit services provide a viable option to driving your own car, but, to be
to be cost-burdened when housing and transportation costs are combined. successful, require a higher level of development density than is typically found
Improving flexibility in the transportation network by increasing options such as in Greensboro. By focusing on denser development, particularly residential
transit and changing land use patterns to reduce the amount of distance from development towards reinvestment opportunities on commercial corridors, we
housing to jobs, services, and amenities are key to meeting needs for affordable can offer a greater range of living options, reinvest in areas facing vacancies in
housing for all residents of the city. the retail market, strengthen our tax base, and improve the overall health of our
transit system.
Street Design The "last-mile" or "first- and last-mile" connection describes the beginning
Transportation design has substantially changed since the 2003 adoption of or end of an individual trip made primarily by public transportation. In many
Connections 2025. Best practices such as Context Sensitive Design and Context cases, people will walk to and from transit if it is close enough, although bikes,
Sensitive Solutions and policies for creating complete streets have shifted the scooters, and ride-share options are becoming increasingly more feasible.
focus of road design away from a singular emphasis on cars and drivers to Transit or mobility hubs facilitate a better transit network and create centers
consideration of pedestrians, cyclists, and nearby residents and businesses. along our corridors that make it easier to travel the remaining distance to a final
Cities across the country are thinking about how to deal with the rise of
autonomous vehicles and what that means for their transportation systems. Use
of autonomous vehicles in e-commerce and logistics is of particular importance to
Greensboro, which is both a freight hub and a manufacturing/fabrication center.
Greensboro, like most cities, has historically designed and built streets primarily
with the safety of motorists in mind, under the assumption that most users of the
road will be motorists and that motorists will obey posted traffic signs. The safety
of pedestrians is an often-stated concern in neighborhoods across Greensboro,
particularly on interior streets, where reports of high speeds and unsafe driving are
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