Page 31 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
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The goals and strategies in the Creating Great Places Big Idea address issues Increasingly people are choosing to rent rather than own a home.
discussed in public meetings or observed when collecting data about the city. Cities need a housing inventory that accommodates a range of housing
More details are available in the Data Book, the Conditions and Trends Report, preferences and a balance of rental and owner-occupied properties to
and in the public comment summary. stabilize neighborhoods and grow intergenerational wealth.
Creating a Variety of Neighborhoods Housing Affordability
Placemaking efforts are being carried out by local governments, private Neighborhoods and housing were central topics throughout the public
businesses, non-profits, citizen-activists, or by partnerships among two or engagement process. Greensboro residents desire more housing options in
more of these groups. Greensboro is turning its attention to the principles of and near the downtown area and across all areas of the city. A healthy city
Placemaking as part of its community and economic development strategy. needs options for safe, affordable housing, consistent code enforcement
for properties in disrepair, and convenient access to goods, services, and
Placemaking, especially within the downtown area, but also in amenities. Many areas that have suffered disinvestment are located near
neighborhood-oriented centers, can have a transformational effect on growth downtown, but have the underlying building form to be highly marketable,
and development in Greensboro over the planning horizon. It is especially despite the current lack of investment. Adding new, compatible housing
valuable as a tool for improving quality of life in or near newer suburban areas in these locations may help overcome developer reluctance to build by
that developed without the benefits of a mix of uses. Considering the growing increasing property values and market interest.
demand for the type of community atmosphere that Placemaking can create,
Greensboro stands to gain much by increasing its efforts on this front, and risks
at least as much by failing to improve the quality of places it offers to its residents
and visitors.
Retaining Residents
Greensboro is losing younger residents as a percentage of our overall population.
A job market that offers options and opportunity is important for attracting and
retaining a young workforce, but many millennials look for stimulating places to
live and express a desire to live in interesting, unique neighborhoods. The Parks
and Recreation Master Plan, Plan2Play, includes recommendations for creating
“Community Hearts,” which are identifiable community gathering spaces with
inclusive and contemporary programming, as well as unique neighborhood
parks. The Cultural Arts Master Plan emphasizes the role public art plays in
creating an attractive community with a high quality of life.
Quality of life considerations are important to older generations as well.
Greensboro has activities for older residents, particularly cultural amenities,
including those offered by its colleges and universities and its recreational
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