Page 40 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 40

Goal - A
                   Community meeting hosted by the Community Sustainability Council  and Planning staff
                                                                                      Greensboro advances environmental stewardship, taking
                                                                                      care of our natural resources and the natural systems that
                                                                                      support all living things.

         Greensboro embraces a triple bottom line approach to sustainability that balances   Strategy 1: Promote resilient, efficient, and environmentally beneficial patterns
         three interdependent attributes. Environmental stewardship ensures that the   of land use. Utilize and modify rezoning, subdivisions, site plan, building permit,
         contributions of natural resources to human well-being are explicitly recognized   annexation, and related review and approval processes to achieve an appropriate
         and valued. Social equity incorporates fairness and justice in providing for the   jobs-housing-service balance. Additionally, apply these processes and others to
         housing, services, health, safety, and the livelihood needs of all citizens and groups.   ensure that all Greensboro residents are within walking distance to a park, green
         Economic resilience is necessary to build a diverse, strong local economy that can   space, or natural feature.
         withstand changes to the regional, national, and world economy.
                                                                                    Strategy 2: Take policy and program actions that advance sustainability. Such
                                                                                    actions may include promoting green infrastructure to manage water quality, tree
                                                                                    planting policies to reduce the urban heat island effect, development of programs
                                                                                    to increase recycling and reduce solid waste production, and policies to reduce air
                                                                                    pollution and greenhouse gases. Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies and
                                                                                    advancements in science that may contribute to increased sustainability.
                                                                                    Strategy 3: Develop a strong communication, education, and partnering plan
           “GSO designs for a sustainable future for all by nurturing               designed to protect the environment. This plan could include public messaging,
               one another, caring for our land and resources, and                  new incentives, and environmental education. Additionally, cultivate strong
                           building a thriving economy.”                            partnerships with local, regional, and state entities and organizations that work on
                                                                                    environmental protection to help Greensboro adapt to the local effects of global
                                                                                    climate change and address other environmental issues.
                                                  Online Survey Response, 2018
                                                                                    Strategy 4: Enhance proactive stormwater and flood hazard mitigation efforts to
                                                                                    address impacts from more frequent high duration and high intensity storm events
                                                                                    including measures to protect critical community assets, manage floodplains,
                                                                                    reduce property loss, ensure business continuity, and improve public safety.
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