Page 30 - City of Greensboro Data Book
P. 30
Key Findings
• Since 2003, most land use types in Greensboro have increased in acreage, which largely reflects the city’s
increase in land area over the same period.
• Decreased heavy industrial land use coincides with a decline in manufacturing employment; decreased
wooded land reflects ongoing urbanization and Greenfield development.
• Much of Greensboro’s total population growth since 2000 is attributed to annexation (42.5%).
• Although Greensboro’s population density increased between 2000 and 2016, most comparable North
Carolina cities experienced significantly greater increases.
• The number of building permits and value of construction investment has fluctuated over the past 17
years, but recent numbers are comparable to those prior to the Great Recession.
DRAFT 26 FEBRUARY 23, 2018