GSO2040 states the community’s vision of what it wants Greensboro to be in 20 years, and includes broad goals and strategies that will guide the Community towards that vision. This implementation strategy provides the framework for more specific steps that will achieve the Plan’s goals by stating important first steps and a process for regular updates and review. To best implement GSO2040 , there must be a high level of commitment on the part of the City Council and City departments.
Effective implementation can be thought of in two ways: ongoing activities and decisions that reflect plan policies; and direct action steps.
Please review our quarterly implementation updates to see what direct actions steps we have been taking to implement the plan!
The steps below represent ongoing processes to implement the plan over the next 20 years.
Area Plans
Staff will establish a schedule for creating small area plans, neighborhood plans, and corridor plans to support plan implementation. Plans at this scale provide a finer grain of detail for specific geographies and facilitate specific activities such as economic development or streetscape projects, and provide more detail for land-use decisions.
Investment Decisions
GSO2040 will be a tool to align the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and other investments to ensure adequate financing for the plan’s recommended activities, to provide support for investment in areas needing reinvestment, and to support distinctive mixed-use, walkable development.
Work Plan Alignment
GSO2040 was carefully aligned with existing City plans; updates to GSO2040 and other City plans will be made in a similarly coordinated fashion to ensure that plans remain in alignment. Transportation plans, the HUD Consolidated Plan, and regional economic development plans are all examples of opportunities for continued collaboration.
Zoning Amendments
Each rezoning decision will be evaluated with the policies, maps, Vision and Big Ideas of GSO2040 . This process will foster incremental change that moves Greensboro towards the Vision set forth in GSO2040 such as increasing housing choices, creating great places and more mixed-use, walkable development, and supporting neighborhood health.
Development Ordinances
The City will evaluate the Land Development Ordinance and other development regulations and make the necessary updates and amendments to support the recommendations in GSO2040 and ensure that our development standards continue to align and work towards a common purpose.
Regular review and reporting on progress to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council will help keep implementation on schedule and ensure accountability.
Five Year Plan Updates
The City will create a Five-Year Plan to implement specific, priority action steps in the Plan. Updates to the Five-Year Plan will include: analysis of changes in land use, demographics, and economic data; a summary of Plan implementation; and public input.
Annual Reviews
Annual reviews will include updates on Plan implementation and a summary of land use trends for the year and will be provided to the Planning and Zoning Commission.