Maps are an important component of any comprehensive plan.
These maps are the manifestation of the values, vision, and policies of the plan, and place the plan’s recommendations onto the geography of the city.
The maps function as a guide to which policies to consider when making decisions about land uses.
Learn more about GSO2040's maps.
The following maps describe the current conditions and the anticipated growth of Greensboro. To view an interactive map see the City's GSO2040 map.
What do the Anticipated Growth Maps do?
Provide a framework for discussing Plan policies and aspirations when making land use decisions.
They are not regulatory.
Anticipated Growth Maps:
- Inform changes to the development ordinance
- Inform the funding of large, capital projects
- Frame the policy discussion in rezonings, but are NOT zoning maps
GSO 2040 has 2 maps that work together:
Anticipated Growth Maps in the Decision Process
The Zoning Commission or City Council will use anticipated growth maps as a guide to:
1.Review questions listed in the plan
2.Review relevant policies + big ideas
The request is not consistent with Plan policies, so rezoning is not approved
The request is consistent with Plan policies, so rezoning is approved
The request is not consistent with Plan policies, so rezoning is approved, and Plan amended
The Plan’s policies and the maps depicting Greensboro’s future growth pattern are a key part of the decision-making process for zoning and development matters that come before the Zoning Commission and City Council. They also describe broader land use planning and policy objectives for Greensboro and set the context in which future development is considered. The Anticipated Growth Maps show what the Plan seeks to preserve and create regarding the quality of life in our community.