Page 7 - The City of Greensboro Conditions and Trends
P. 7


                  Land Use Categories

          Single-family Residential                  Growth at the Fringe
          Planned Unit Development                   Since 2000, Greensboro increased in land area by roughly 25 square
          Multi-family Residential
          Public & Institutional                     miles or 16,000 acres. Most of this 23% increase in size was due to
          Heavy Industrial                           annexation, much of it in 2000 with “Reedy Fork Ranch” in the
          Commercial                                 northeast and in 2008 with “The Cardinal” near the airport. Reforms to
          Light Industrial                           involuntary annexation by the North Carolina General Assembly have
          All Other, including                       reduced the rate of physical expansion since 2011.
                Agricultural
                Auto-Oriented                       Land Use
                Business Park
                Central Business                    Most of the land in Greensboro is used for residential development,
                Neighborhood Support                with significant concentrations of commercial uses in the downtown
                Office                              area and along major roads. Industrial uses are concentrated just south
                Parkland & Natural Resource Area    of the airport and south of Downtown along I-40 Business, but it is
                Traditional Neighborhood            important to note that from 2003 to 2017, the City lost 407 acres
                University Mixed Use
                                                     (10.6%) of Heavy Industrial land. Institutional uses align with locations
          Source: City of Greensboro 2017            of colleges and universities.

                EXISTING LAND USE

       DRAFT                                            -7-                                              March 15, 2018
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