Page 11 - The City of Greensboro Conditions and Trends
P. 11
Health & Wellness
Educational Attainment
At just over 37%, Greensboro has a higher percentage of residents who graduate with bachelors and advanced degrees
than the state and nation, but the percentage drops below 15% in much of the southern and eastern area of the City.
High school dropout, teen pregnancy, and infant mortality rates are published by race and ethnicity categories, and the
numbers vary significantly across those categories. While it would be helpful to understand how these variables differ
across the City, the data is only available at the county level.
Dropout Rate
The NC Department of Public Instruction defines dropouts as “individuals who were enrolled in school at some time during
the reporting year, but were not enrolled on day 20 of the current year.” Of a total of 490 high school dropouts reported in
Guilford County during the 2015-2016 academic year, 367 (75%) were of races other than White or of mixed race. Of that
number 240 (49% of the total) were Black. More information can be found at the NC Department of Public Instruction
2015-2016 High School Dropouts
by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Guilford County NC
# % # %
White 121 24.7% 4,579 42.1%
Black 240 49.0% 3,379 31.0%
American Indian * * 160 1.5%
Hispanic 90 18.4% 2,202 20.2%
Asian 15 3.1% 103 0.9%
Pacific Islander * * 14 0.1%
Multiracial 22 4.5% 452 4.2%
Total 490 10,889
Source: NC Department of Public Instruction
* Race/ethnicity cell totals of less than ten are redacted to comply with
privacy recommendations.
DRAFT -11- March 15, 2018