Page 54 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 54
Maps and graphics are an important component of any comprehensive plan. These
maps are the manifestation of the values, vision, and policies of the plan, and place
the plan’s recommendations onto the geography of the city. The maps are advisory
in nature and function as a guide to which policies to consider when making
decisions about land uses. Although used most frequently in rezoning cases,
they also inform other aspects of a city’s desired growth pattern such as capital
This chapter begins with maps that describe the current conditions of Greensboro:
• Existing Built Form;
• Existing Centers and Corridors;
• Current Influences on Growth;
• Growth Tiers, in the area between the City limits and the Water/Sewer
Service Boundary;
• Existing Neighborhood, Corridor, and Redevelopment Plans; and
• Economic Development Areas.
Map workshop at the Advisory Committe meeting These maps inform the creation of the future land use maps that illustrate the
community’s vision and the Plan’s policies. The Anticipated Growth Map section of
this chapter includes:
• A Future Land Use Map (FLUM), which shows broad categories of land uses;
• A Future Built Form Map (FBFM), which shows the context for development;
• A description of how to use these maps to assess the consistency of a zoning
requests with the policies in the GSO2040.
Plan implementation will involve direct City investment and action steps, but
many of the changes will be driven by economic activity and reinvestment, some
of which will require changes in zoning. The policies in the Plan will be used to
consider land use changes that will incrementally move Greensboro towards the
city described in the Plan’s Vision and Values. The Plan’s policies and the maps
depicting Greensboro’s future growth pattern are a key part of the decision-mak-
ing process for zoning and development matters that come before the Zoning
Commission and City Council. They also describe broader land use planning and
policy objectives for Greensboro and set the context in which future development
is considered. The Anticipated Growth Maps show what the Plan seeks to preserve
and create regarding quality of life in our community.
Though the two Anticipated Growth Maps specifically reference the city's future
development, all of the maps in this section should be viewed as a system, and not
Planning staff discussing maps for the comprehensive plan viewed on their own or without reference to the policies listed in this Plan.
51 |GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan