Page 50 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 50

Goal - B                                                                    Goal - C
         Increase and preserve the inventory of developable sites                    Investment in cutting-edge communications technology
         compatible with corporate and industrial uses.                              enhances the quality of life for all residents and helps
                                                                                     businesses thrive.

        Strategy 1: Work with community partners to ensure that the appropriate sites on   Strategy 1: Encourage fiber-ready infrastructure to reduce the need for costly
        Greensboro's periphery are designated as Industrial on the Future Land Use map.   future up-fits, increase property values, and promote economic growth. Build
        Identify the most important assets for future development and make sure that   on local and regional partnerships to increase the capacity, adaptability, quality,
        the resources needed for that development are preserved. Development should   and availability of the city’s technology infrastructure. Access to technology is
        focus on industrial uses first. Greensboro should undertake more detailed land-use   increasingly necessary for everyone, from big businesses to school-age children.
        studies of industrial areas to better understand how phasing can be achieved to   Making sure that people have access to the necessary tools of advancing
        preserve industrial land while providing space for support land uses.      technology is essential to Greensboro’s quality of life.

        Strategy 2: Ensure that the appropriate sites in the developed, central areas of   Strategy 2: Build data systems that foster informed public policy decisions and
        Greensboro are designated as Industrial on the Future Land Use Map. These areas   enhance the City’s capacity for delivering services in an efficient and equitable
        are suitable for or best suited to flexible, smaller scale light industrial development   manner. This includes both data gathering and analysis, as well as systems that
        that can provide jobs closer to neighborhoods in need. Create plans that evaluate   use real-time data to make adjustments, for instance in light signalization and
        the relationship of industrial with supporting land uses to understand how these   pedestrian crosswalks.
        areas should evolve.

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