Page 49 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 49
Participant providing input at community meeting located at the Lewis Recreation Center
Goal - A
Strategic public investment in historically underserved areas
OUR GOALS AND STRATEGIES FOR ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS of Greensboro attracts private investment and sets the stage
for revitalization without displacing existing residents.
Ensure that the community is prepared to deal with both positive and negative
changes in its economic health by initiating sustainable urban development and
redevelopment strategies that foster green business growth, build reliance on
local assets and build local capacity, and ensure that economic and technological
progress does not negatively impact the environment. Strategy 1: Work with City-funded economic development partners to address the
needs of economically distressed areas. City funding of economic and community
development is intended to improve conditions throughout the city, and can
impact social inequity and economic disparity by focusing public investments and
services in areas of greatest need. Without focused effort, these areas and residents
are likely to continue to struggle economically.
Strategy 2: Support the addition of a variety of housing types and price points
in coordination with investment in historically underserved areas. Providing
“[Greensboro] is a vital regional city that offers strong additional housing options will increase the likelihood that residents are able to
stay in the neighborhoods they love and will provide greater opportunities to
education, affordable housing, and a significant attract new investment.
business community that invests in the city.”
Strategy 3: Create land-use plans that involve neighborhood residents and other
stakeholders and coordinate public and private investment, and use a variety
National Folk Festival, 2017 of tools and funding sources to leverage incentives and finance transformative
projects in areas of disinvestment. Market strategic sites and recruit retail uses that
are economically sustainable, meet neighborhood objectives, and attract other
investment. Commercial development that is sustainable and compatible with
neighborhood objectives should be encouraged.
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