Page 41 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 41
Goal - B Goal - C
Greensboro embraces social equity, ensuring all residents Greensboro builds economic resilience, expanding the local
benefit from fair and just treatment in the distribution of economy’s ability to withstand and adjust to disruptions and
public services and have a voice in governance. changes at the regional, national, and global scales.
Strategy 1: Evaluate impacts to vulnerable populations and communities when Strategy 1: Consider the impact that growth and development patterns and
reviewing existing and considering new public policies, projects, and services. infrastructure investments have on the City’s fiscal health. Use the Growth Tier
Where past decisions have resulted in disparities in the distribution and quality of Map and policies to evaluate infrastructure investments when making capital
public services and facilities, be proactive in working to eliminate them to improve investments and land use decisions. Furthermore, design resilient infrastructure
quality of life outcomes. As part of this strategy, maintain a vigilant focus on inter- systems able to withstand and quickly recover from natural disasters and other
generational equity, so that future generations are able to live as well as, or better emergencies.
than, current Greensboro residents.
Strategy 2: Cultivate a diverse range of industry sectors and scales of operation
Strategy 2: Work to ensure that all Greensboro residents have meaningful in the local economy to help minimize the impacts of major fluctuations within
opportunities to participate in public decision-making processes. Promote capac- any single sector. Create a local economy that is based on reuse, durability, and
ity-building and leadership programs to equip residents to authentically engage repair, to reduce the impacts of an economy centered on disposable goods.
in civic decisions. Additionally, collaborate with and help strengthen community Encourage a robust level of local investment from public, non-profit, and private
organizations, such as neighborhood associations and civic organizations, to foster sources to support entrepreneurship, especially when it advances sustainability
active participation in shaping Greensboro’s future. goals or strategies.
Strategy 3: Promote a just, ethical, and respectful community. Ensure the Strategy 3: Enhance economic resiliency through strong partnerships and
continued protection of human and civil rights and work to instill in individuals a a deep reserve of social capital. Continued and enhanced collaboration
sense of respect for the rights of others through civic actions, policies, programs, with adjacent city, county, and regional entities will allow for quicker, more
and dialogue. comprehensive and more nimble responses to economic issues. In addition,
nurture social capital to weave a community fabric of interdependence,
collaboration, and caring that will enable residents to rely on one another in
times of economic distress.
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