Page 46 - City of Greensboro Data Book
P. 46

Food Deserts
        The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) qualifies areas as “low-access” communities when at
        least 500 people and/or at least 33% of the census tract's population reside more than one mile from a
        supermarket or grocery store. Over 82,000 people live in Greensboro census tracts that are identified as Food

                                          Greensboro Food Deserts, 2015

        Source:  US Department of Agriculture

        Key Findings
        •  The percentage of Greensboro’s population with a high school degree is higher than state and national
        •  Since 2000, the percentage of Greensboro’s population attaining either a high school education or
            bachelor’s degree has not kept pace with the state or nation.
        •  Greensboro’s high school dropout rate has decreased significantly since 2000, which follows the state
        •  Guilford County’s teen pregnancy rates have decreased significantly since 2000.
        •  Guilford County’s infant mortality rate has increased since 2000.
        •  Rates of high school dropout, teen pregnancy and infant mortality all vary greatly by race and ethnicity.
        •  There are 19 census tracts identified by USDA as Food Deserts in Greensboro.
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