Our Vision


Our Vision expresses what we as a community aspire to be and provide a common touchpoint for making decisions and a consistent point of reference to manage changes in conditions in the future.

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In 2040, Greensboro will be:

The Best Mid-Size City in America

  • Greensboro is an ambitious city that achieves and is known for great things. Our community is livable and active: friendly, warm, and welcoming, with all the amenities of a larger city.

The Greenest City in the Southeast

  • Greensboro is green in all ways: we have a resilient tree canopy, a vibrant park system, and we take care of our environment.

Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive

  • Greensboro is diverse. We commit not just to diversity, but also to inclusion and equitable participation and opportunity for those who live, work, or go to school in Greensboro.

Making History

  • Greensboro honors and builds on its history and continues to make history as a forward-thinking city.

A City of Inspiration

  • Greensboro is a creative community where people and businesses thrive.