Page 78 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 78
It is likely that some rezonings proposed to the City may deviate from the land use 1. Changes in Conditions
designation on the Anticipated Growth Maps. Such a difference does not mean It may be that the Land Use or the Future Built Form designation on the plan is no
that the proposal should be dismissed outright or is not otherwise consistent with longer the right one. The primary question to be answered is whether something
the intent of this Plan. It does mean that a higher level of evaluation is required to has changed in the assumptions underlying the original land use designation. To
determine appropriateness of the proposal. determine that, the Zoning Commission or City Council should seek answers to
these questions:
If a rezoning request is not consistent with the adopted Anticipated Growth Maps,
the evaluation must consider why there is an inconsistency and how the proposed • Is there a new issue at hand that was not considered when the plan was
change relates to the overall intent of the Plan. While there may be reasons over adopted?
time that cause changes to the land use designations of a particular property, it • Is new data available or has a plan or study been done that shows a different
is less likely that the overall intent expressed in the Vision, the Six Big Ideas, and land use designation is more appropriate or logical?
the Goals of this Plan will change. Those elements make up the fundamental • Was a mistake made in projections or forecasts that led to the land use
description of the desired future for Greensboro; even if a land use on a particular designation?
parcel is different than anticipated, development still should advance the overall
intent of the Plan and the City’s vision for the future. • Is this a natural extension of one built form or one land use into an adjoining
area as a result of growth, investment, increased market demand, or a change
in product design?
2. Consistency with Big Ideas
The overall goals of this plan should still be supported by any given proposal. The
Six Big Ideas of the plan are fundamental to achieving Greensboro’s vision and are
not likely to change based on new data, research, or technology. They present the
logical basis against which to consider proposals that deviate from the Future Land
Use Map or the Future Built Form Map. If the Zoning Commission or City Council
finds that a proposal is in keeping with and supportive of the Goals and Strategies
related to the Six Big Ideas of this plan, then this is evidence of consistency with the
The Six Big Ideas that convey the fundamental ideals of the community are
described starting on page 22 and include:
1. Filling in our Framework
2. Creating Great Places
3. Becoming Car Optional
4. Prioritizing Sustainability
5. Building Community Connections
6. Growing Economic Competitiveness
A development or rezoning proposal should be evaluated in the context of the Six
Big Ideas and their associated goals to determine consistency with the intent of this
Plan. Review will require the depth of evaluation anticipated in the requirements
of Chapter 160D of North Carolina Statutes for review of consistency with a
comprehensive plan.
75 |GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan