Page 77 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 77
When a proposed development is a permitted use in an existing zoning district, The Future Built Form Map designates property as being within an activity center, a
the development can proceed through administrative procedures such as site plan place type, or a corridor; the Future Land Use Map designates property for airport,
and building permit review. When a proposed development is not permitted with residential, commercial, industrial, mixed use, or reserve. Requests for changes to
existing zoning, the property owner needs to seek an amendment to the zoning zoning must consider the full range of uses and activities permissible within those
map in order to move forward with the development. designations.
This Comprehensive Plan does not contradict or change the existing process for In determining whether the proposed zoning is consistent with these designations,
amending the zoning map. The questions and process outlined in the Plan provide the Zoning Commission or City Council will use the following questions to
a basis for determining whether the proposed change in the zoning designation of frame the discussion. This is not a checklist, but a set of questions to guide the
a property is consistent with the policies in this Plan. Determination of consistency determination of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. If the answers to these
with the Comprehensive Plan is a significant decision point in development review questions are generally in the positive, the rezoning request should be deemed
and regulation. consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
As part of the decision to amend the zoning map based on the requested change, 1. Is the proposed rezoning in an area with an adopted neighborhood, corridor,
after holding a public hearing, the Zoning Commission or City Council must Redevelopment, or small area plan, and if so is it consistent with that plan?
approve a brief statement as to whether the proposed zoning designation is 2. Does the proposed rezoning support uses anticipated within the
consistent or inconsistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. This requirement Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map and Future Built Form Map
may also be met by a clear indication in the minutes of the Zoning Commission or designations?
City Council that at the time of the action on the amendment, the board was aware 3. Is the site for the proposed zoning district in an Activity Center or directly
of and considered relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan. If the amendment adjacent to an Activity Center?
is adopted and the action was deemed inconsistent with the adopted plan, the 4. Are the uses permitted within the proposed zoning district found elsewhere
zoning amendment shall have the effect of also amending any future land use within the same Future Built Form (center, place type, or corridor), or can the
map in the approved plan and no additional request or application for a plan same uses be found in an area with the same Future Built Form designation
amendment shall be required. elsewhere in Greensboro?
The concepts set out in this section of the plan describe the points to consider, 5. Are the uses permitted within the proposed zoning district of a similar scale,
emphasize their importance, and note how this Comprehensive Plan can be a intensity, or off-site impact as existing nearby uses?
living part of all land use and development considerations by the City. All maps in 6. If warranted due to differences in the zoning, use, or scale of adjacent
the plan are advisory in nature. The following questions are not a score sheet, but properties, can the property proposed for rezoning accommodate a
rather a guide to the interrelated considerations that will need to be addressed satisfactory transition to the existing scale and intensity of existing, adjacent
by City staff, appointed officials, and City Council members in the review process. uses?
The question to be answered is whether or not the proposal is consistent with the 7. Are the uses permitted within the proposed zoning district compatible with the
Comprehensive Plan. If the determination is that it is consistent and should be scale and design of the adjacent road?
considered, the various best practices described for developments consistent with 8. Would the proposed rezoning or land use change impact the existing adjacent
the Plan are also relevant and should then be applied to the proposed development land uses? Is the proposed zoning compatible with existing adjacent land uses?
or rezoning.
Would the proposed change make a use or building nonconforming or increase
the degree of nonconformity?
TO DETERMINE IF A REZONING REQUEST IS CONSISTENT WITH THE 9. Will the proposed zoning accommodate development that permits the
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN extension of the existing and planned street and sidewalk system and the
A land use designation on the Future Land Use Map can be compatible with a range plan’s priorities for interconnection of adjacent neighborhoods?
of zoning districts. It is likely, therefore, that many requests for specific zoning or
conditional use permits will be deemed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 10. Does the proposed change in zoning support one of the Big Ideas such as
Growing Economic Competitiveness, Filling in our Framework, or Creating
Great Places, as discussed on page 75?
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