Page 7 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 7

GSO2040                                           GSO2040 expresses the community’s vision for what it wants to be in 2040 and creates a broad framework of

                                                           policies for achieving that vision. These policies are based on extensive public input and conversation, a review
                                                           of data about the current state of the city, alignment of existing plans from City departments, collaboration with

                                                           pieces to describe our current values, the vision of what we want to achieve, and the goals and strategies we will
            PLAN COMPONENTS                                community partners, and a review of current trends affecting cities across the country. The Plan uses several key
                                                           use to get there.

                                                                 COMMUNITY VALUES


                               THE BEST                                     EQUITABLE,
                               MID SIZE             THE GREENEST             DIVERSE,                WE MAKE               A CITY OF
                                CITY IN              CITY IN THE               AND                   HISTORY.            INSPIRATION.
                               AMERICA.              SOUTHEAST.             INCLUSIVE.

                                                                         BIG IDEAS

                        FILLING IN OUR        CREATING          BECOMING CAR          PRIORITIZING         COMMUNITY            ECONOMIC
                         FRAMEWORK             PLACES              OPTIONAL          SUSTAINABILITY       CONNECTIONS        COMPETITIVENESS

                                    GOALS                      STRATEGIES                      5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN

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