Page 11 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 11

                                                                                                               of Heavy
                                                                                                    number of people living
                                                                                                   below poverty level in 2018
                                                                                                    versus 26,107 in 2000
                     Greensboro is growing.
                                                     The needs and preferences of the population are
                                                                                    Differences in wealth, income, and unemployment
                     The percentage of growth since
                                                     changing and diversifying:
                                                                                    vary strongly between census tracts across the City
                     2000 is higher than national    We want different things.      Many people live in poverty.   -400 acres
                     and state rates, but not as high    Household size is shrinking and fewer households   and also vary greatly across races and ethnicities.
                     as other large North Carolina    include children.             Since 2005, the poverty rate has been far higher than
                     cities. Greensboro is projected    More households rent than own.   state and national rates nearly every year with some
                     to grow by 60,000 people over
        KEY FINDINGS                                  People want more transportation options.   extreme variations from year to year. There were
                                                                                                          We have housing challenges.
                                                                                    over 36,000 more Greensboro residents living below
                     the next 20 years.
                     Based on growth rate captured by the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey    Walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods and places are   the poverty line in 2016 than there were in 2000.   Housing affordability: there are not enough options
                     and  analysis  estimates by North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management.   desired.
                          Greensboro is growing.      Changes in the retail sector are generating vacan-     for people at different income levels from the very
                     Our population is aging.         cies or new types of retail focused on creating expe-   poor, to middle income families, to new-to-the-work-
                          Greensboro is projected to grow by 60,000 people over the
                     The share of Greensboro’s population that is older is   riences.    54%                  force singles.
                              -400 acres
                          next 20 years. The percentage of growth since 2000 is higher
            60,000   increasing and the share that is younger is decreasing.                              •   Location: many available, affordable housing options
                               of Heavy
                          than national and state rates, but not as high as other large
                                                                                         of Greensboro
            people   The large number of older people will have an increas-            residents surveyed     are in places that make travel for jobs and services an
                     ing impact on access to health services, appropriate
                          North Carolina cities.
                     housing, and entertainment. The loss of younger gen-               prefer a walkable     additional cost burden.
                     erations, including Millennials, is troubling as it may        Our economy is in transition.   Quality: instances of inadequate upkeep and
                                                                                        community with
                     create a vacuum in the employment pool and diminish            There are fewer manufacturing jobs and more service
                                                                                                              vacancies can have a large impact on overall
                                                                                          small yards
                     the overall vitality of the community.                         jobs, which are generally lower paying. Median earn-
                                                                                                              neighborhood quality.
                                                     We have housing challenges.
        Our population is aging.                     The quality of housing in Greensboro is generally   ings have increased, but not as much as the state,
                                                                                    nation, or other North Carolina cities.
                                                     good, but instances of inadequate upkeep a
        The share of Greensboro's population that is older is increasing and the share that nd
        is younger is decreasing. The increase in the older population offers opportunities
                                                     vacancies can have a large impact on neighbor-
                                                     hood value and family health. Safe housing with
        to create a more walkable, transit-friendly community so that residents can
                                                     access to employment and services at a variety of
               number of people living
        age-in-place while also having an increasing impact on demand for access
                                                     affordability levels should be available across
             below poverty level in 2018
        to health services and appropriate housing. The loss of younger generations,                              Our economy is in transition.
                     Industrial land is important.
        including millennials, is troubling as it may create a vacuum in the employment                           There are fewer manufacturing jobs and more
                                                     The world is changing fast.
                versus 26,107 in 2000
                     The largest decrease in land
        pool and diminish the overall vitality of the community. Changes in technology, the climate, and the economy   service jobs, which are generally lower paying.
                     use since the last Compre-      are happening at a more rapid pace than any time in          Median earnings have increased, but not
                     hensive Plan has been heavy     history. Uncertainty about the future                        as much as the state, nation, or other North
                     industrial with the loss of     makes it difficult to anticipate long-
                     over 400 acres. Future job      term developments in technology, the                         Carolina cities.
                     growth may be hurt if there     retail market, and transportation de-         -400 acres
                     is a continued loss of land     mand. Adaptability, resiliency, and   60,000
                     available for manufacturing,    nimbleness are critical for Greensboro   people  of Heavy
                     distribution, and other in-     to succeed in the future.                     Industrial
                     dustrial uses.                                                                   land
                                                                                                           60,000           -400 acres
                                                                                                                            of Heavy
                             Industrial land is important.                        52,172                      Many people live in poverty.
                             Future job growth may be hurt if there is a continued                            Over 26,000 more Greensboro residents were
 60,000     -400 acres       loss of land available for manufacturing, distribution,   number of people living  living below the poverty line in 2018 than in 2000.
                                                                                                              Differences in wealth, income, and unemployment
             of Heavy
                             and other industrial uses. The largest decrease in land
 people     Industrial       use since the last Comprehensive Plan has been heavy   below poverty level in 2018  vary strongly between census tracts across the city
               land          industrial with the loss of over 400 acres.              versus 26,107 in 2000  52,172
                                                                                                              and also vary greatly across races and ethnicities.
                                                                                                              number of people living
 52,172                                                                                                      The world is changing fast.
                                                                                                             below poverty level in 2018
        We want different things.
                                                                                                               versus 26,107 in 2000
        People’s needs and preferences are changing.
           The size of households is shrinking. Sixty-seven percent of Greensboro
                                                                                                             Changes in technology, the climate, and the
           households are now one- or two-person.
 number of people living                                                                                     economy are happening more rapidly than at any
           We want more ways to get around instead of being completely dependent on
                                                                                                             time in history. Developments in technology, the
 below poverty level in 2018                                                                                 retail market, transportation, and other areas create
           There is a strong preference for mixed-use, walkable neighborhoods. We buy
 versus 26,107 in 2000                                                                                       exciting opportunities that are difficult to predict.
           more things online, changing the need for bricks and mortar retail space.                         Adaptability, resiliency, and nimbleness are critical
        •   We want to hang out and shop in interesting places that provide new                              for Greensboro to succeed in the future.
                                                                                                                            GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan|8
                                                                                                of Greensboro
                                                                                             residents surveyed
                                                                                              prefer a walkable
                                                                                               community with
                                                                                                 small yards
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