Page 94 - City of Greensboro Data Book
P. 94
Economic Development Incentives
Incentives are a tool used by cities to secure competitive business relocation or expansion projects. Incentive
grants are paid to companies after they meet contractually obligated performance measures typically related
to private investment and job creation.
Since 2006, when incentives were first tracked, the City has made incentive payments to 18 economic
development projects totaling $4,936,384. These public investments leveraged over $727 million dollars in
private investments (27% more than projected). These projects generated 4,550 new jobs (56% more than
initially projected). Every $1 of City incentive leveraged $147 of private investment.
Economic Development Incentives, 2006 to 2017
Source: City of Greensboro, Economic Development and Business Support
DRAFT 90 FEBRUARY 23, 2018