Page 71 - Greensboro, NC-GSO 2040 Comprehensive Plan
P. 71
Map 7: Future Land Use
The Future Land Use Map breaks Greensboro into very broad areas based on the
main character of land uses that we want to see in future. These are not intended
to be exclusive; it is assumed that there are a variety of uses in each area, but the
designation reflects the area’s predominant character.
Residential includes both single-and multi-family residential. Other uses should
generally be in the scale of a Neighborhood or a Community Center as described in
the Future Built Form Map on page 69, in a form that is appropriate to the character
of the area. Many residential areas include commercial corridors, and future
development along these corridors should be oriented to the corridor to avoid
negative impacts to adjacent residences.
Commercial includes retail sales, wholesale sales, personal service businesses,
professional service businesses, restaurants, entertainment, hotels and hospitality,
commercial assembly halls, and event spaces. These can be either linear commercial
corridors or larger centers of commercial development or a combination of both.
Some include residential uses as well, and represent an opportunity for denser
development, particularly in conjunction with enhanced transit service and
mobility hubs.
Municipal, Institutional, or Office Campus applies to university and college
campuses, medical and health care campuses, office, business and research
employment centers, elementary and secondary schools, and municipal facilities.
Industrial includes light and heavy manufacturing, assembly and fabrication, and
warehousing, logistics and distribution centers. Greensboro has seen a loss of land
suitable for and attractive to industrial development, and it is critical that these
areas be protected for larger industrial development opportunities.
Airport applies only to property owned or operated by the Piedmont Triad
International Airport Authority and includes aviation-related activities and on-site
Reserves are publicly accessible parks, publicly owned open spaces including
woodlands, habitat reserves, lakes, wetlands, historic battlegrounds, public and
non-commercial recreation facilities.
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