Page 36 - The City of Greensboro Community Preference Survey
P. 36

Those in City Council District 5 Are Most Likely To Prioritize Roads;

       Residents in the First District Prioritize Expanding Public Transit and Building Bike Lanes

                                                                 % Extremely High/High Priority for the Government

                             89%                                                                                                                                                     City Council 1
                         82%                                                                                                                                                         City Council 2
                  72% 71%                                                                                                                                                            City Council 3
                                           65%                                                                    68%
                                       61%                     60% 58%                   61%            62%           59%                                                            City Council 4
    60%                                       54% 57% 56%              57%     54%           55%                                           54%                                       City Council 5

                                                                           48%                  47% 46%                   48% 45%45%           46% 45% 47% 50%     50%     44%

    40%                                                                                                                                                                 35%    35%



               Maintaining and      Building more sidewalks Providing convenient        Building more roads        Expanding public            Developing           Building more bike
                repairing roads,                              alternatives to driving and expanding existing        transportation,       communities where           lanes and paths
             highways, freeways,                              such as walking, biking, roads to help reduce       including trains and    more people do not
                  and bridges                                       and public            traffic congestion             buses             have to drive long
                                                                  transportation                                                          distances to work or

                                          Q.10 Switching gears a bit, I’m going to read you a list, and I’d like you to tell me whether each of

                                         the following should be an extremely high priority, a high priority, a middle priority, a low priority,
                                                              or an extremely low priority for local governments in your area.
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41